06 January, 2020


Salamun salam. Peaceful peace.

A statement to keep in my mind when I want to start forex trading.

1. Forex is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

2. Forex trading can be risky.

3. Your income stops if you stop trading.

4. There are a lot of things that are not under your control.

5. It is not clear when you will become a consistently profitable trader.

6. Don’t open a big live account.

7. Know the brokers.

Then, what Is the Closest Way to Become a Profitable Forex Trader?
a. Learn the Basics.

b. Learn a Trading System. Technique only is not enough.

c. Start first with Demo Trading.

d. Live Trading will come later with confident. Play safe.

e. Enjoy with your trade.

I can elaborate all this points above but I prefer to remind myself for this moment. These are all basic points before I am able to extend my skill and performance in the future.....maybe I were able to trade with bank....no more broker.


Stay awesome.

Gambaq kat atas tu aku amik dari group. Terima kasih pada yang share... Kami dengan trading system kami je yang faham kecuali anda otai

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